×´Look at situations from all angles,
and you will become more open×´
- Dalai Lama

(Previously titled: "Who Cares about Unemployment Insurance?") Joint with Yaniv Yedid-Levi
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2020.
Quantitative Economics, 2019.
Joint with Magnus Dahlquist and Roine Vestman
Journal of Finance, 2018. ​
Joint with Zvi Eckstein and David Weiss

International Economic Review, 2018.

Joint with Ido Shlomo Economic Quarterly (in Hebrew), 2018.
Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Accounts: The Best of Both Worlds
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2017.
Joint with Nicola Pavoni and Gianluca Violante Review of Economic Dynamics, 2016.
Joint with Nir Jaimovich, Itay Saporta-Eksten, and Yaniv Yedid-Levi,
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2024.
Joint with Kathrin Schlafmann and Roine Vestman
The Review of Financial Studies, 2024.
Joint with Nicola Pavoni and Gianluca Violante, 2012.