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About me

I am a senior lecturer in the Department of Economics at Tel Aviv University. I hold an M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from Tel Aviv University, an M.A. in Economics from Tel Aviv University, and a Ph.D. in Economics from New York University.


My main area of research is social-insurance policies, which are government policies that provide insurance against economic risks. In particular, I study labor market policies such as unemployment insurance, mandatory pension savings and universal basic income.


I analyze these policies using rich macroeconomic models that allow for a (relatively) realistic characterization of a large economy -- typically a country. I use those models as a laboratory to test existing and new policies in an economic environment, where people react to the policy in question. A recurring theme in my research is that considering individual characteristics (e.g., age, wealth, employment prospects) is essential for the design of public policies.


More broadly, I am interested in the contexts in which different social-economic phenomena unfold in the real world. I discuss some of those topics in my blog, “People and Numbers,” in Haaretz . You can find the English versions of the posts here.


Ofer Setty

Senior lecturer 


The Eitan Berglas

School of Economics,

Tel Aviv University


Get in Touch


The Eitan Berglas

School of Economics


Tel Aviv University

P.O. Box 39040

Tel Aviv 69978,


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© 2023 by Ofer Setty. 

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